

DBpedia Training

- | Room 377 | English

- | Room 377 | English

- | Room 377 | English

Join our workshop on "Harnessing the Power of DBpedia: Transforming Data into Knowledge" to dive into the world of structured knowledge extraction and management. This session is perfect for industry professionals and technologists eager to learn how to utilize the DBpedia ecosystem, including its vast knowledge graph and the DBpedia Databus, to enhance data analysis, integration, and application development. Participants will gain hands-on experience in navigating and enriching datasets with DBpedia's tools, such as RDF data modeling, SPARQL querying, and entity recognition. Whether you're looking to host your data, link it to RDF, or build and deploy applications on a Knowledge Graph, this workshop has you covered. Requirements include a laptop with Docker installed and basic programming knowledge. The workshop is beginner to intermediate level, with English as the main language, and offers individual help in German.


Hands-on: Generative AI in software development and data management (organized by Deloitte GmbH)

- | Ratsplenarsaal | German

In this training, you have the chance to dive deep into the innovative world of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and explore its diverse applications in software development and data management. We share our extensive consulting expertise with you, focusing on practice-relevant skills instead of theory. You will get familiar with the latest AI technology trends, enabling you to confidently face future challenges in the field of software development and data management.

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