

Toolbox Datenkompetenz - Training Designing a city with data - Smart City (organized by the Toolbox Datenkompetenz (TBDK) project at InfAI)

- | Room 377 | German

- | Room 377 | German

The term Smart City, understood in the sense of an innovative, technology-driven development concept of the urban space, is primarily based on the beneficial, secure handling of data by all involved actors. With the Smart City training, we want to invite the participants to go through the data cycle together using an example with open data from the field of urban development. In the interaction between government, research, industry and citizens, ways of implementing the concept of a more liveable, progressive, ecological and socially inclusive, data-driven city can be demonstrated. The Toolbox Datenkompetenz (TBDK, is a platform for learning all aspects of working with data and offers a Jupyter notebook environment for individual processing of data projects. In order to work with the data, it is recommended to bring a laptop. However, participation in the training will also be possible without your own laptop. Prior knowledge in the areas addressed in the training is beneficial, but not required.

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